
Let go

 First, I want to say that I know the picture quality of my last post was really awful. AWFUL. But I thought those pictures were hilarious and a real representation of how I spend my days.
They were in timeout.
In trouble.
Being disciplined.
Well, you could have fooled them. They were having a gay old time, playing "Corners" like we used to in the car, only on the bottom step of the stairs and with a lot more elbows.
I kept telling them to stop, but finally I gave in and grabbed the camera. 
Sometimes you just gotta let go.

 Like today. 
Today I let go.

 Today my kids are sick. Mostly Jack and the baby. (Will I always call him "the baby"? I don't even mean to do it, but I call him that at least as much as I call him Wyatt or Super Wy. Maybe even more... I guess we'll see.)

 Anyhoo, the kids are sick.  Wyatt is super snotty & extra cranky, and Jack, poor Jack, is really out of sorts. He has had this insane fever that has been really hard to keep under control.  It started yesterday morning. He woke up not feeling well. That lasted all morning, and then after naps he seemed better. I was so relieved! Then we got back from the post office, and he started to deteriorate again. 

 I gave him Tylenol when we got back from our errands. Then Ibuprofen at bedtime. Then Ibuprofen again before I went to bed and then Ibuprofen again at midnight when he woke up, completely forgetting I had given him some just two hours prior. I called Poison Control.  She assured me he would be just fine, that Ibuprofen is really pretty safe. She said he might complain of a tummy ache, is all. I felt so relieved. 

 I have nothing to say for myself except that I am sleep deprived and that is how it goes.  I went to bed at 10, woke up at 12, slept until 1:30 when I woke up to check on Jack again.  Slept from 2-4:30 when Wyatt woke up.  Then fell asleep to awaken to Logan telling me he was lonely and wanted a snuggle, at like five.  Tucked him in and crawled back in bed until six when Jack woke up needing more medicine.

 And so my day started.

While it sucked to wake up so tired, again, for like the hundredth day in a row, it was actually good to start my day this way.  I woke up knowing I would need to go with the flow. I woke up feeling good about my abilities as a mom (even though I had made a mistake) and knowing I could provide exactly what all three of them needed. If I would just let myself.

 So I did.  After my shower, Josh left for work and I settled into the morning. I made Logan Cheerios and Jack requested pancakes, so pancakes he got.  They wanted to watch a movie and snuggle on the couch, so we did.  They wanted to play upstairs on my bed, driving the "truck", so up we went.
Around eleven Jack tuckered out, so I carried him upstairs with his bubba and put him to bed, even though the "schedule" says he shouldn't sleep until noon. I continued with the laundry, Wyatt playing on the floor in the kitchen and Logan playing independently at the table.

 Josh came home for lunch at 11:30, as usual and he and Logan ate lunch together while I fed Super Wy.  Soon after Josh left to go back to work Jack woke up and came downstairs.  I fed him some applesauce while I ate my lunch. Then we moseyed back upstairs to see if we could get Logan a nap, as well as Jack.

Jack never fell asleep again, but that was alright.  Logan did, so he's snoozing away upstairs right now while Jack is laying on the couch watching Franklin, snuggling with Josh who is home early because tonight he'll head back for parent/teacher conferences.

 In the last four days I have cleaned the entire house and washed everything (literally) in my broken washing machine. (Thank you Alice for the advice to put a pan under it!)  It's been messy and a pain in the butt, but at least the kids have been treated and all possibly infested items have been cleaned. 

 This afternoon Josh & Joe will switch our washer/dryer combo for the ones' that the principal had in his unit before he left.  Then we will get a bed from Nichole (Yep, we are borrowing a bed from our neighbor) to set up in the playroom for Josh's parents.  I think that will make for more comfortable sleeping arrangements than an air mattress or the couch. 

 Then tomorrow I will put the finishing touches on their room and at 5pm we will head to the airport to pick them up.  They will be here ten days and will depart April 2nd.  Their visit will be awesome because A.) I will have someone to talk to other than my children all day; and B.) The weather is going to reach the upper twenties this weekend so we will be able to get out and show them around. Fun! Oh, and C.) They are bringing us MASSIVE groceries and we are very excited about that! 

Glad it was a busy, productive day, and that I also got in some quality time with all three boys. 
(There is one perk to the three of them napping at separate times!)

Here's hoping with Jack's fever broke, we get a little more sleep around here tonight! 
I'll keep you posted...


Stacey said...

I DO NOT look forward to sick days with Amelia... I know It's just one kid and it will probably lend itself to more cuddles, but I don't look forward to being up a lot during the night. She's been amazing at sleeping lately, only waking up (usually) once a night and sleeping nearly 2 hrs for nap times. Good luck to you all and know it shall pass... get some sleep in while your family is there :D

Rox said...

I heard of this guy doing everything his toddler did. Following him around all day, crawling when he crawled, playing what he played, everything. He said he was EXHAUSTED but it was so much fun! And can you imagine how much his kid loved it?!