

My cousin Savanna has offered her amazing artistic talent to me in the form of art for my boys' bedroom walls in Marshall.  I have hemmed and hawed, thinking over what I want in there.  Then I was at Bed, Bath & Beyond picking up a sleep mask for Josh when I came across these two pieces of art that spoke to me.  

This one is of some circles, swirls & lots of fun colors.  
It seems to me the epitome of creative, and also very playful.  

 This other piece has bits of life advice written in fun fonts, 
looks a little like chalk, and is long and rectangular.

 I would love something like that for my boys room.  
Maybe some family or brotherhood words, or a quote about brothers on it.

" There's no other love like the love for a brother.  
There's no other love like the love from a brother."

 I am a firm believer that you are what you read.  And that your surroundings can shape you.  As a homemaker, I take this idea to heart.  I believe that coming home to a candle & the smell of fresh baked cookies can take an ordinary day and make it feel special.
I grew up with a handful of meaningful pieces of art.  
Each one has had a huge impact on who I am, what I believe and what I stand for.

 This was on the back of my parents bedroom door. Theirs had a forest of beautiful green trees, sun dappled.  I would read it over and over.  Now, thirty years later, I believe this is the reason they are still married. 

This hung on the bathroom behind the toilet. I remember being quite proud of myself for memorizing it.  It was only later that I came to realize how profound the words really were.

 My mom had a cross stitch with these words on it. I can't quite remember the picture. I know it had a mama bear and a baby bear, but I can't recall exactly what they were doing.  It hung on the skinny spine of the wall in the dining room.  Perhaps this is why I love taking pictures.

I had this poster in my bedroom from seventh grade on.  This was who I was and what I believed.  It pains me a bit to think that I truly believed life was that simple. If only.

 "One night in deepest sleep I dreamed that on the beach I walked.
God was by my side each step and quietly we talked.
Then on the sky my life was flashed, the visions all serene
Two sets of footprints in the sand were there in every scene.
But then I noticed in some scenes of suffering pain or strife
A single set of footprints at the worst times of my life.
But God you said you'd stand by me in good times and in bad,
why then did you leave me each time my life was sad?
My precious child God answered when your life had pain I knew,
the single set of footprints were the times I carried you."
This was also in our bathroom.  I took great comfort in the idea that God was carrying me through the rough times.  I continue to put my faith in this idea.  That when my legs give out, I will continue on with His strength.

 "Cleaning & scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep, 
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
My mom had this in the laundry room at the big house.  I remember the moment when I realized just what it meant.  And it has been increasingly true with every passing day of Wyatt's life.  Just tonight I sat in the boys' room rocking Wyatt long after he had nodded off, memorizing the shape of his nose, the curvature of his eyelashes, the shimmery white blonde of his hair.  He is growing with every breath he takes and I don't want to miss a second.

Savanna already drew me two pictures for our house in Marshall. One is of Josh and I on our wedding day, and the other is a beautiful flower with the word "Bloom" alongside it.  I plan to put that one on my bedside table in Marshall so that everyday I remember what my purpose is there.

I can't wait to see what she creates for my boys. I know it will be amazing.


Rox said...

How on EARTH do you remember all those?! Ohhhh my gosh "Do Good, Avoid Evil" took me straight back to my childhood! Haha!
I only remember the bible verse mom and dad had above their bed with all the hearts, "Love is Patient, Love is Kind..."

How fun to think back on those.

Marilynn Raatz said...

Shelly, I love this post. I love that you remember not only the words, but the pictures and where they hung!! I needed the reminders these gave! The one with the mama and baby bear, they were hugging and it said "A hug is worth a thousand words". That one was because I lectured too much. I love you!

Shelly Cunningham said...

So funny mom! I mis-remembered the "thousand words" saying. It's all coming back again! That is a good one for mom's with little ones who can talk back!!!