

For Mother's Day in Josh's class, he had his students plant some peas, marigolds & nasturtium.

When he offered to bring some of the pots home for us to plant, I said yes, yes, yes!

The boys were very excited to scoop dirt into their little white pots and to plant their seeds.

They did a great job, carefully burying their seeds (but not too deep)

and watering their little plants.

Since then, at least once a day, the boys hustle upstairs to check on their plants' progress in my bedroom window.

For a while we had nothing but dirt...

But now, about two weeks in, we all have a bit of green in our pots, and it is very exciting!
I am finding the plant process so rewarding, I am surprised I've never tried it before.

1 comment:

Marilynn Raatz said...

Oh this is so great! I was so excited when I saw the picture with the plant!