
26 Weeks

I am six and a half months pregnant.  
Baby Girl Cunningham is alive & kicking... literally.  

Josh got to feel her kick faintly yesterday and today she gave him a good strong one.  We are both so happy that he is home for the week, and his arrival has me in a contemplative mood.  Today on our drive home from the beach (more on that later this week) we were listening to my favorite album, JJ Heller's I Dream of You, when I Know You Will came on.

"You don't need to let the rain clouds 
underneath your skin
Love sings louder than the darkness
Let the light shine in
...I know you will"

And as I listened the lyrics, little Babyham dancing under my skin, I couldn't help but think how she's my rainbow baby.  And I felt incredibly grateful that God blessed me with a hopeful heart.  Because after two back to back miscarriages, it would have been really easy to throw in the towel, accept our family as it was, and not put myself out there again.

I'm so grateful we did try again.  The risk will absolutely be worth the reward.

In other news, we have narrowed down the baby name list to six possibilities. 

1 comment:

Tabitha Studer said...

So excited about the names!! Are they a secret? I'm guessing yes because you just didn't outright share them now. Boo.

Also do you know I STILL have a package to send you for that sweet girl. Ugh I'm the worst at getting to the post office. I promise to send it asap! Xoxox