
Around Here: Week 23

Logan & Jack
June 6, 2008

Logan at his first-ever class party
Jack playing Four Corners at his first-ever class party

Finishing... Stone Fox, Bear Town and The Mountain Between Us.  I didn't love Stone Fox, the ending was too abrupt, although the twins loved it; and I also didn't love Bear Town.  I never fell in love with any of the characters, and the ending felt weak to me.  And The Mountain Between Us had me reading late into the night, but towards the end it was too romantic (if that's possible), and sort of too good to be true. I guess what we can say is that I am very particular about my endings.

Starting... Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing with the twins (love it!), The Dry on audio loan from the library (totally hooked, and the reader has an Australian accent, which is basically my favorite!), and Dreamland Burning (can't.stop.reading!).

Waiting... to read Confessions of a Domestic Failure; Everything, Everything; and The Whole Thing Together, which are on loan from the library.  So many good books, so little time!

Enjoying... a surprise visit from my grandparents.  I made them rhubarb pie; we took the twins out to a birthday lunch; and we enjoyed a walk to the school.  It was a casual trip, but any time with my grandparents is so treasured, that it felt special anyway.

Celebrating... two 9-year-olds this week!!!  June 6th Logan & Jack turned nine.  Monday we had Jack's class party (he passed out Rice Krispie treats & York Peppermint patties) & Tuesday was Logan's class party (he requested homemade chocolate chip cookies, so I made 60+ cookies for him).
For their birthday dinner we ate in the living room & watched a movie after they opened their presents-- squirt guns & Legos, can't go wrong.  Carly was so worn out from all the celebrations that she fell asleep in her high chair.

Allowing... fidget spinners in the house.  Josh is a teacher, and it took him a while to warm up to the idea after dealing with them all day.  Hah!

Sleeping... finally!  Yay Carly!!!

Ready... for summer.  Even though I am nervous (all the kids? home all day? week after week?) we're all ready for this routine to be done.  We're ready for freedom, relaxation & less worry about the clock that rules our lives!!!

Getting... organized in preparation for summer.  I really want the house prepared for having kids home 24/7.  I am sorting through our craft things, getting together summer workbooks, and making sure the toys are organized, too.  I also want my Summer Bucket List complete.

Reading... old journals from my pregnancy with the twins and just after they were born.  I was so much in love, both with Josh and our fresh, new babies, and I was so young! (Only 25!)  The most striking thing to me is how confident I felt in taking care of those two babies.  I was sure I could handle it. And I did.  Another is my complete and total faith in God to provide for our family.  I love looking back so much.  It reminds me how far I've come and what amazing things I've already done.

Hosting... a playdate for Wyatt with his best friend Charlie.  What a blessing to have a sweet friend in the neighborhood that loves Wyatt so much.  They are so cute together!

Grateful... for another mama chaperone on Wyatt's field trip to the fire station. She sent me picture after picture of our two cuties having fun.  It eased my mama heart so much since I couldn't go on the field trip myself.

Looking forward... to our last week of school (for Josh and the kids!) and to Wyatt's birthday this week (the 15th).  I can't wait to take cupcakes into his class.  I just know he'll be so happy!


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