
around here: week 23 2021

 {May 30-June 5th}

{Me, my brother Dalton, and my sister Roxanne}
[just missing our little brother Dallas]

Beyond grateful... for my husband who did not hesitate when I asked if I could leave him all weekend (Thursday to Monday) to see my friends who were traveling from Florida and New York to see their mom. After originally saying yes to two nights, he ended up encouraging me to take four nights and include a visit to my grandparents at the coast. He is just the best man. 
I am also grateful that I came home to call the chores done (he even wrote them all out on the blackboard like I do every week) and the kids swimming in the pool. 

Waking up... Sunday at my grandparents house and hitting the road pretty quick.  I decided to break my drive up, and stay the night at a hotel in Vancouver, turning a 6+ hour road trip into a 4 hour one. 

Sitting... on the beach for a while before I headed back to town.  It was just what my soul needed after a whirlwind weekend. 

Perusing... Barnes & Noble (my favorite! I miss having a book store so much!), grabbing Subway for dinner in the hotel room, and swinging by Bed, Bath and Beyond.  

Spending... time reading, writing in my journal and watching Friends reruns in my hotel room.  I really enjoyed having a night to myself before heading back home Monday.

Joyfully... being reunited with my family.  I am so glad to be home with them, and so grateful for the unconditional love they show me.  They accept me exactly as I am, and I belong with them.  I came home from my weekend away with a renewed passion for my role here, and feeling that I am so vital to our life here. 

Welcoming... Pride Month in with a cute photo shoot of Carly in my favorite swimsuit of hers (she has a ridiculous amount of swimsuits) eating a rainbow lollipop from Aunt Julie & Aunt Erica. 

Visiting... Wenatchee for dinner with  my brother Dalton who was staying with my parents for a few nights.  It was so good to see him, and have him see all his nieces and nephews.  (My Carly was born on his birthday) 

Vaccinating... the twins with their COVID-19 vaccines and feeling grateful that they could get them.  Jack hates needles, so I was proud of how well he did. 

Planting... my dahlia tubers that had sprouted in the backyard along the fence, and putting up a little fence edging to try and keep Grady out of my flower beds. 

Smiling... when Logan put Smart water (my favorite) in the cart as we grocery shopped for me to have later.  I love when my kids do something thoughtful.

Swimming... after I got all hot & sweaty planting my dahlias.  Josh and Samuel were in there, and they said it was almost like bath water (so warm!) so I joined them, and I was so glad I did.  I never regret getting in the pool.  I love swimming.  I'm just a fish!

Craving... some down time after my trip away and a busy week visiting my brother, gardening and grocery shopping.  I am just exhausted! 

Watching... House of Cards with Josh.  I love when the kids are down and we have enough time to watch an episode or two.  It's fun to have a show we love, and to guess what they will be up to next. 

Taking... the kids back to Wenatchee this weekend (despite feeling like I would rather stay home with my butt on the couch) to attend The Apple Blossom Festival Carnival with my parents and sister's kids.  Gosh, we ended up having the best time! I even went on a few rides, and enjoyed an elephant ear. (My favorite! Yum!)
We made so many great memories, laughing together and being brave enough to go on certain rides.  It ended up being the easiest time I have ever experienced with our 8 combined kids, and it made me really feel the SWEET side of their bittersweet growing up.  
We never lost a kid or had a tantrum.  We were able to wait in lines, practice patience, and be kind to one another. It really was so lovely.  

Impressed... by my sister's cake making skills (yet again- *see Carly's birthday cupcakes) and loving the "campfire" theme she did for the twins.  She baked candies to make the candied flames and was so creative in every detail. 

Loving... my niece little Lulu.  She has the sweetest disposition and is so beautiful.  I can't wait to see who she becomes!

Thankful... for my friendship with Shana, that we have each other to give advice and listen, and that we make it a priority to spend time together every week.  Shana has really taught me how to be a better friend.  To have the hard conversations, to love each other well, and to make time for each other.  
Love her!


I love all these messages about loving our bodies 
and living our lives in them, 
not for them. 


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