
100 Small Things {2025}

My friends Tabitha, Ashley and I have done 100 Small Things on and off for years. They both posted that they were doing it again this year, and that inspired me to do it as well. 

1. Write "My Life Part 4"
2. Try Jazzercise
3. Make homemade chicken noodle soup
4. Journal everyday for a month
5. Quit Amazon
6. Get a professional haircut
7. Host a game night
8. Paint trim downstairs bathroom
9. Deep clean master bathroom
10. Deep clean boys' bathroom
11. Sort items into kids' memory files
12. Attend monthly book clubs
13. Paint pottery with mom and sister
14. Send snail mail to Ashley
15. Plan out garden
16. Start dahlias as early as April
17. Empty & sort shed
18. Reorganize shed
19. Varnish table top
20. Get a pedicure in Moses Lake
21. Buy new Christmas/Outside lights
22. Hang kitchen curtain
23. Fill out car insurance discount
24. Sign Wyatt up for baseball
25. Drop ADHD paperwork off for Wyatt
26. Write a blog post abut what I've learned
27. Schedule Logan's 504 meeting
28. Spend Knix $
29. Contact Lume re: broken bottle
30. Share mascara fail & mascara win
31. Listen to ADHD podcast #1
32. Listen to ADHD podcast #2
33. Take Depression Course I purchased

34. Register Wyatt for camp
35. Thank middle school teachers
36. Thank H.S. counselor
37. Thank teacher @ H.S.
38. Update Book Buddy
39. Track Unread Book Shelf
40. Clean out bedside table drawers
41. Empty + organize book cart
42. Shop for jeans at Goodwill
43. Schedule massage
44. Complete the "Homes that Heal" tasks
45. Write Cunningham in all our books
46. Continue sorting through pics on phone
47. Sew items that need mending
48. Find a good potato soup recipe
49. Find a good sugar cookie recipe
50. Delete old notes in notes app
51. Blog everyday for a month
52. Get out my big camera
53. Update "About Us" on the blog
54. Participate in a writing challenge
55. Buy new running shoes
56. Implement Thankful Thursdays on Instagram
57. Readaloud Sunrise on the Reaping to the boys
58. Make raspberry jam with mom
59. Plan Carly's belated birthday pool party
60. Keep Bookstragram up
61. Learn two guitar chords
62. Go write at a coffee shop
63. Do "A Day In The Life" post
64. Complete a fall puzzle

65. Complete a winter puzzle
66. Complete rainbow diamond dot
67. Go to the movies
68. Make Carly a baby book
69. Make snickerdoodles
70. Family hang out with Nathan & Dunnette
71. Press pansies in summer
72. Make an Alaska photo book
73. Empty drafts on blog
74. Host 4th of July party
75. Create a laundry schedule
76. Make chicken tacos
77. Visit Sunlakes in summer
78. Take Carly to Saturday market
79. Double date with Samuel & Makayla
80. Take Josh to Olive Garden 
81. Play Rummikub with family
82. Quarterly 100 Small Things Update
83. Organize second pantry
84. Read Pure by Linda Kay Klein
85. Empty freezers
86. Get rid of old paint
87. Sort art supplies
88. Clean out junk drawer
89. Wyatt's room-tidy
90. Christmas items into shed
91. Plant some zinnias
92. Clean out car/center console
93. Inventory cleaning supplies
94. Clean dryer vent
95. Mop entire downstairs
96. Night swim
97. Pool competitions with kids

98. Kayak
99. Visit an antique shop
100. Make bookmarks

I plan to check in once per quarter 
with this and update what is complete 
and what I'm still working on!

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