
Life Lately

Here are some snippets of life lately around here:

The other day Logan was saying "In this house I think Carly's first word will be "Seahawk".  That will make dad so proud."
He considered this for a while then said with a smirk,  "Or maybe it will be Patriot.  And dad will not be proud."  Then he was cracking up!

That same day Jack and I were discussing last names and he said he wished all his family was "Cunningham" cause that would be simpler.  We talked over who has different last names and why and he decided that boys should take the girls last name some of the time.  I thought that was very progressive of him.
We talked about my old last name being Raatz and he told me, "Because that is your past, it will be dropped!" in a creepy, mystical voice, while waving his hands around like a magician.  I don't know where they come up with this stuff!

Jack was guessing my favorite number (which is 26).  He assumed my favorite number would be my age and said, "Well, I don't know how old you are." I told him it wasn't my age and that it was a big number.  He guess 100, then 99.  I told him it was below 30.  He guessed 29, 28 and then 23.  I laughed and said it was a number that sounded beautiful.  So he proceeded to opera-sing the number twenty-three.  "Tweeenntyyyy threeeee," he sang.  I lost it. I was laughing so hard I cried.  He goes, "What? It sounds beautiful, doesn't it?"  Oh my gosh. It felt good to laugh so hard.


Wyatt got new clothes from my mom.
He stacked them up in his bedside table for the next day.
Spring weather has meant walks with mommy.
So much fun!
Wyatt loves riding his bike at the school nearby.
The boys always fight over who gets to drink the last of the milk from the jug.
This day it was Wyatt's turn.
Exciting news!  My baby cousin (who is 21 now-- how is that possible!?!) is getting married in May, so my sister and I are throwing her a bridal shower this weekend. I'm excited to see her and her sister and meet the groom.  (These are her invitations)

I absolutely love that Logan "corrected" the spelling of SHELLEY in his Daily Oral Language sentence since I spell it SHELLY. :)

This made me laugh.
It's so true.
Wyatt makes "guys" of everything.
Drawings, Legos, even Magnetix.
Life with boys:
They were killing a spider. It was intense!
Spring is here, and with it sunshine & flowers.
They both make me so happy!
I'm back at reading. Hooray!
This one: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin

Speaking of books:
Our book club has made a list of summer reads to take us from now through August and we would love to have you join us if you're interested! Request to join the club on Facebook and order your May books!!!

This month I read:

And I'm working on:
Women, Food & God by Geneen Roth
Little Face by Sophie Hannah
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

May is rapidly approaching. I guess I better get reading!

I walked in on this scene after brushing my teeth one night.
Wyatt reading to his little sister.
He makes me so proud!
We pushed through mommy's spring fever and are carrying on with homeschool.
I am so excited for summer break though!
We are on the three week countdown to Josh coming home.   Between my Workout Challenge and the boys' two baseball teams, I'm praying time flies between now & then!!!


Rox said...

I'm cracking up at Jack singing a beautiful number!!

Marilynn Raatz said...

Your past- omg! So funny! And I just noticed Wyatt is sitting on the boppy while he reads to Carly! He knows how to be comfortable!