
Separation Anxiety

Since Josh left last time, about two weeks ago, Wyatt has been GLUED to my side.  He barely wants me to go to the bathroom without him, much less doctor appointments or errands.  It's honestly been a bit suffocating.  I have been able, thankfully, to find extra reserves of patience for him, but I am more than ready for this separation anxiety to be a thing of the past.

He calls out, "Mom?" to assess my whereabouts each day more times than I can count.  (Literally, probably fifty times.) And often when I'm not nearby, by the time he finds me (usually downstairs) he has tears in his eyes.

I talked to him at length about it one day and he said that he doesn't want to be without me because I'm the only grown up.  We talked more and surmised that he means "parent".  I'm the only parent. He's got me there. I am the only parent here currently.  And it's hard on both of us.

I'm not sure why this last departure of Josh's has been so hard on Wyatt specifically, but I feel the same way.  It hasn't gotten any easier being without him.  And the home stretch for some reason feels particularly long.

With the help of loved ones who care about Wyatt, I am inching away from him and trying to give him back his independence.  And, fingers crossed, when Josh gets back he'll be back to his old, confident self.

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