
Around Here: Week 7 2025

 {February 9-15th}

Carly's Snow Angel

Visiting... my sister and bringing Wyatt with me to hang with his cousins. I was so happy to be able to help my sister, watch her kids and see how her village is supporting her. 

Driving... home from Wenatchee a different way because of a horrible bus accident. I was nervous, and Wyatt didn't want me to drive, he wanted to stay at my mom's house, but we managed to get home and I was so proud!

Canceling... my sub job on Monday because Carly was sick. Poor baby.

Dreaming... about a bear and researching what bear dreams mean. Turns out they tend to represent strength, protection and difficulty. I wonder if I deamt about the bear because I want to protect my sister.

Reading... Black Woods, Blue Sky by Eowyn Ivey (same author as The Snow Child). (This may be a large part of why I dreamed about bears. Hah!) It's a slow start, unfortunately, but I'm going to see it through.

Watching... Love Is Blind. I just love that show!!! And spending way too much time on social media. I ended up going into both my Instagram and Facebook settings to set a one hour time limit on each, per day. 

Visiting... my sister again on Wednesday after I dropped Carly off at school (and scooped Jack, who was also having bad anxiety- he says that being with me is best for him when he feels this way. Of course I hate that he's suffering, but I will admit that I am grateful to be a comfort to him) and while there we went on a walk (brrrrr it was COLD!) and loved on baby Sweet P, and even ran to Costco together. It was so good to shop at Costco (so many good deals!) and, per my Costco rule (If you're there, buy the flowers), I bought myself flowers. 

Cleaning... and organizing my bedroom book cart. It looks so good and I am so pleased I did it!

Worrying... about the government messing with the Department of Education, as I already have two children on 504's, and will likely have two more by the time all our ADHD testing is complete. 

Fighting... with the boys about their grades.  They think that they having D's or occasionally F's is okay, but we are demanding A's, B's, and C's. Because of that, they are all grounded until they get their grades up to that standard. We also are requiring that there be no skipping. Parenting, man. It's a lot of work.

Grateful... that Logan has the best girlfriend. Elyssa is so sweet and thoughtful, and it makes me happy for him. For Valentine's Day she got him a bouquet of flowers filled with Matchbox cars, which he and Jack use to decorate their bedroom walls. It was so cute and creative!

Struggling... with politics and fear and anxiety. I hate that we have someone who was not voted into public office controlling so very much that will impact my family. Between expenses growing, health insurance (my kids are on medicaid) being up in the air, as well as the Department of Education & 504's... the stress is beyond what I can manage.

Refining... my yearly goals for 2025. I currently weigh 269 pounds, which is about 80 pounds more than my average/comfortable weight.  COVID + fibromyalgia back in 2020 lead to a rapid weight gain.  My goals include drinking water, no night eating, and moving my body. I want to make changes so that I can feel strong and maybe even lose weight, but most of all, I want to decrease the odds that I end up with dementia and my children end up having to care for me in that way when I'm old. 

Snowing... and making me feel so peaceful inside. It's gorgeous. We got so much snow on Friday that we had a snow day, much to our children's delight! (Josh and I were less thrilled because we had hoped that the kids would go to school and we would get some time at home together since Josh was home from work as his district turns Presidents Day into an extended winter break (five days off), but we ended up enjoying the day, even if the kids were home, too.)

Proud... of Jack for doing odd jobs around the neighborhood. Any time someone posts that they need help on our neighborhood Facebook page, I offer Jack's services up. He has moved furniture, done a dump run, hung Christmas lights and detailed cars. 

Loving... the way that our cats always come up to us excited, especially in the mornings. They love to lay on our clothes as we try to get dressed. So funny.

Getting... sick with a cough and my nose just not working. I always feel so bummed when I get sick, not that I am sick, but that I took my good health for granted beforehand. Haha!

Feeling... loved when Josh brought me some Valentine candy on Saturday, the day after Valentine's. We generally don't buy each other gifts for holidays, but he was so sweet, saying that it's still nice to be thought of. Even if it's just a little treat. 

Shopping... with Jack's girlfriend Cadence at Maurice's, which is where she works, on Saturday. We had so much fun, and she was so kind and encouraging. I ended up finding two pair of jeans as well as quite a few t-shirts and the cutest sweater that I can use for Valentine's Day, but also wear other times of the year. 

Being... spoiled by Cadence always! For Valentine's Day she got me the happiest yellow coffee mug that reminds me of sunshine. So thoughtful!

Reorganizing... my closet after getting new clothes with Cadence. I am now excited to get ready for the day everyday. 


Art by Anders Zorn


Sweet Wyatt & his daddy

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