{December 29, 2024-January 4, 2025}
Cleaning... house on Sunday, per usual, because with all six of us home together full time on break, the house gets dirty & feeling small quite quickly.
Grounding... some children in our house for making questionable choices. You guys parenting teenagers is hard on so many counts... but for me the hardest part has to be that this is their story not mine. So even though things that happen impact me (sometimes in a huge way!), I don't feel free always to share them. Parenting teenagers can just be lonely sometimes, because of that.
Visiting... Josh's cousin Nathan and his wife and their two kiddos. We had a great visit and I think the twins even had a good time. (We may or may not have forced them to come.)
Consolidating... our credit cards into one payment which feels great. Simplified and lower interest. Win-win.
Applying... for a job at Carly's school as a staff assistant. While being a staff assistant would not be my ideal job, I do want to be bringing in an income, and being at the school is so good for my mental health. So while teaching jobs are not available, I am open to doing other things in the meantime. It's scary to put myself out there, but I did it!
Running... errands to Winco & Walmart to get our shopping done for the week.
Taking... Logan to the doctor for his depression & anxiety, and getting him a prescription for some anxiety meds (to help him sleep) and the same anti-depressant that Jack and I are on. We take Cymbalta.
Sleeping... in and relishing it. We've been staying up way too late every night. Usually midnight or one in the morning, but as late as three in the morning one night!!!
Recapping... my year in books. I read 55 books, which isn't bad considering I was in school for half of 2024. I set my goal for 2025, which is 75 books (roughly 6 per month), and I am instituting a book buying ban for the entirety of 2025. I have 161 books on my unread bookshelf. I don't need anymore new books until I read some of the ones I have! So I canceled my Book of the Month subscription and plan to stay off Goodreads in the new year.
Learning... all about gymnastics as Carly has become obsessed as of late. She's watching shows about gymnastics, Youtube videos of gymnasts, and playing with her dolls and Barbies, pretending they are gymnasts. She's so funny.
Sitting... in my room upstairs when I heard a terrible thump after having sent Carly downstairs to make herself a snack. I launched myself out of my reading chair and into the hallway, shouting for Carly. She yelled up the stairs, "It's not me. It's Logan," and I knew. I instantly knew. Before I even saw him, I knew he was having a seizure.
I ran down the stairs and Carly ran up the stairs (she later told me she ran up there because she was scared). I yelled for Jack to call 9-1-1 and Wyatt to call his dad and then Aunt Julie.
Tending... to Logan in his seizure as the brothers made phone calls for me. I grabbed Logan's waist band/belt and pulled him onto his side because as his body was convulsing (his hands in fists, jerking in toward each other over and over, his legs flexed and rigid) he was foaming at the mouth and I didn't want him to choke on anything. The seizure felt like it was going forever, but in reality it was only around 3 minutes. Josh's sister got to our house super quick (she lives in our neighborhood) and brought her son's girlfriend, who has seizure experience, with her. We had already put the dogs in their crates because when I ran down the stairs to Logan, they were both there, sniffing at him, licking, and trying to help. So Julie helped make sure there was room for the EMT's to get into the living room via the garage/laundry room, because Logan was blocking the front door.
Asking... Carly, who was the only witness, what had happened. Bless her heart, she was so scared, but she did such a great job telling me about it. She had been asking Logan if he knew where the mandarin oranges were, and he was sitting at the bar on his phone, and didn't respond. Then he stood up and walked over to the stairs, still not responding to her, and he walked up about five steps and then sort of froze and fell straight backwards into the entryway. That was the thump I heard.
Worrying... about Logan as his seizure stopped and he slowly started to come to. He looked around side to side aggressively when he first woke up and I told him he had fallen down the stairs. I didn't want to immediately tell him he'd had a seizure and freak him out. Then Jack wandered over and immediately spouts, "You had a seizure, bro". Logan's eyes got big and he stared in disbelief. Thankfully after a seizure, they tend to forget over and over, so he quickly forgot what Jack had said. I grabbed a pillow to put under his head and just let him rest until the EMT's arrived.
Laughing... as Logan attempted to answer the EMT's questions. He was able to tell them who I was, and where he was, but he told them it was Christmas (it was actually New Year's Eve) and that it took 6 quarters to make a dollar. They determined that since the seizure had stopped on its own and Logan was coherent that they didn't have to take him in to the hospital unless I wanted them to. I said no, that's okay, that we would monitor him at home, and they left. Josh arrived home and we helped Logan upstairs for a short nap. I just sat in the dark with him so he wouldn't be alone.
Contemplating... what could have caused the seizure. Was it quitting vaping? Was it from a possible concussion from rolling the side by side on Christmas last week? Was it from the Cymbalta we started him on the night before? Our assumption is that it was the Cymbalta, but with so many moving parts it's impossible to know for sure.
Enjoying... pizza and hello dolly's (7 layer bars) for New Years thanks to Julie, Samuel & Makayla, who came over to hang out with us and ring in the new year. Jack's girlfriend Cadence and Logan's girlfriend Elyssa also came over. So it was a fun, full house, which is exactly the distraction we needed after the afternoon we had had.
Talking... to Logan about the seizure, and per usual for him, he knew it was coming. He thought to tell Carly, who was downstairs with him, that he was having an aura, but he didn't think she knew what that meant (he was right). So he was running up the stairs to tell me a seizure was coming. I feel awful that he was trying to get to me, and that that only increased his pain and suffering.
Grateful... for all the love and support people offered during and after the seizure. We have such a great village around us and I'm so thankful for that.
Suffering... a migraine on Wednesday and spending the day journaling and blogging while Carly played with her friend Addie. I was happy that she was entertained while I was busy and feeling crummy.
Giving... Wyatt and Jack haircuts and feeling glad they are all fresh and looking loved again.
Driving... Wyatt to Wenatchee for a sleepover and a playdate for Carly. It was impossible getting out of town, though! Wyatt needed snow gear, so we had to sort through our box of stuff to see what fit. Then I had to go to O'Reilly's to meet up with Josh and the twins, one of whom had my debit card; and then I needed food and gas. Sigh. But we finally hit the road, and Wyatt was so gracious about my running late. I appreciated his grace so much.
Feeling... shocked when I heard about my mom's car sliding down the icy hill where she and Wyatt and his cousins had been sledding. It was wild! I'm so thankful for the people who helped get her car and the four of them down the hill and to safety.
Noticing... that Carly's eyes get super bloodshot when she's tired, just like her dad. Poor babe.
Checking... Logan's arm and seeing it is still quite bent on his forearm where the side by side landed on it on Christmas. We're beginning to wonder if it will ever even out and look normal.
Laughing... at my dad. He left some hilarious things on my shopping list on our family blackboard in the kitchen. Haha!
Receiving... new towels from my mom for Christmas for the kids. I am anxious to try using them (one color per kid, only two towels each) and report back if it reduces the amount of laundry I have.
Loving... my husband for the dad he is to Carly. He bought these plastic connectors to make a "Tornado in a Bottle" with Carly over break after she told us about seeing someone with one at school. It turned out so cool, and she was so delighted. Honestly, we all played with it.
Hosting... a playdate at our house when my sister came to drop Wyatt off after his sleepover with Milo. It was so much fun. I'm so grateful for my sister and happy for Carly that even though she doesn't have sisters, she does have cousins.
Contemplating... my goals for 2025, as I do every year, and coming up with three:
1. No book buying
2. Journal daily
3. Workout
Mulling... over words for the year, and landing on consistency. I want to be consistent in my parenting, in taking care of my body, in choosing books over screens, and in my journaling.
Compiling... my fav books of 2024. Top five are pictured below: The Other Year by Rea Frey; The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey; Sandwich by Catherine Newman; The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon; and The Women by Kristin Hannah.
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