
Around Here: Week 2 2025

{January 5-11th}

Fersis=what Carly's cousin calls her brother Ferris

Cleaning... and feeling good about the house being clean and tidy with all of us heading back to school and work for the new year. 

Researching... if stress causes grey hair. IYKYK.  (For those wondering, yes. Stress can contribute to greying hair.)

Learning... that depression is 76% concordant in identical twins. Meaning that there is a 3/4 chance that if one twin has depression, the other will as well. 

Loving... Carly's creativity as I saw that she made a zoo, complete with a water attraction, sloths and even an owl.  This week I also enjoyed her pretending to be a college student, wearing a lanyard and her hair in a messy bun... I just can't even. She's so cute! But my favorite creative work that she made this week has to be the family of popsicle stick characters she made for her cousin. She made their entire family (with the most incredible details) as well as some props that can be used to play with the characters. Daphne (who is turning four) is going to love them!

Experiencing... the Sunday Scaries big time as we prepare to head back to work and school after our two week Christmas vacation. We were all feeling it.

Subbing... in kindergarten on Monday & Tuesday and enjoying it so much. Gosh I just love those little kinders. They are so wholesome and hilarious. 

Subbing... bravely in fifth grade (for an hour- hah!) for the first time. Thankfully it went really well, but I will tell you, I was crazy nervous. 

Encouraging... my children that struggle with anxiety to try to stay calm and be present in the moment they are in instead of worrying about what's to come. All the while reminding myself that their mental health journey is not about me, even though it feels so hard to walk through this with them. (It makes me especially grateful I have my own counselor to dump on!)

Receiving... Wyatt's official ADHD diagnosis, which we definitely saw coming, but was still incredibly hard to hear. Poor Wyatt was really hit in the chest with the news, and I'll be honest, so was I. There's something about *thinking* you know what your diagnosis is versus *knowing* for certain what your diagnosis is. Wyatt has ADHD Inattentive Type as well as slow processing speed. Compared to his peers, his processing speed is actually average. But when compared with his score on other intellectual abilities, his processing is slow. Does that make sense? It's like the rest of his brain is going 100mph, but his processing is only going 80mph. From here we will meet with his primary care physician to talk about possible medications, and then meet with his school counselor to talk about getting Wyatt a 504 to support his ADHD with any accommodations he may need. 

Making... soap with Carly from a Make It Mini Spa Kit she got for Christmas. We made the most adorable tiny soaps that she was able to use with her Barbies and their tiny bathroom sink. So much fun!

Knowing... it's been a hard week because of how my nails look. Haha! I never let my nails sit with peeling polish, and this week every single nail is nearly peeled all the way. 

Reading... Sociopath (a good but disturbing memoir by a woman with sociopathy) and All My Mothers, which is heavy, but very moving. I have loved it!

Discovering... that I am related to two of my book club members. Haha! What are the odds? It started with a pic of my book club friends' cousins' new baby. I asked the name, and they said Beck. Then I said I had a grandmother with that last name. And they said they did as well. And they looked on their geneology, and we were shocked to discover that we are related. Like 9th cousins. Well, then, another friend joked she was jealous, so she looked, and we are ALSO related. 11th cousins. I just laughed and couldn't believe it. How cool!!!

Feeling... proud of Carly and how much she loves reading. The girl cannot put her books down. When I ask her to do something (usually around getting ready for bed) I have to make sure she doesn't have her book because she will just read instead of doing what she needs to. Haha! 

Celebrating... as my counselor (since 2020) is back from her tour in Africa!!! I have made due with two other counselors, but there is nothing like someone who already knows your backstory, knows your family and your strengths and weaknesses. Hands down my favorite part of counseling with Dr. Hunter is that she ends almost every session telling me, "You're doing a great job." And I know she means it. She recognizes that I'm working so hard to be the best mom, wife and human I can be. 

Yelling... at my kids for not helping out when I ask them to. It was Saturday, Josh was at the land, and I was home alone with all four kids, and when I came downstairs to tidy up and get the house ready for making pizza and cookies and watching a movie, no one wanted to help me. So I sat them down and told them I need their help. I can't maintain this house by myself. And if everyone pitches in, it will only take ten or fifteen minutes to get the whole place spick & span, and then we can all go back to relaxing.  

Bummed... that I did not, in fact, get the job at Carly's school. It went to another staff assistant who wanted to move out of her current position. I was so bummed, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. 

Playing... Car Park on my phone and enjoying it so much. 

Celebrating... my Grandma Pansy's 90th birthday by sending her a willow tree figurine as well as a crown and sash for her big day. She loved the figurine (those are my favorites!) and shocked us all by actually wearing the crown and sash to her birthday party at the local coffee place where they celebrated her. 




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