
Around Here: Week 3 2025

 {January 12-18th}

Hurting... feet when I wake up, when I walk around, when I sit and when I go to bed. It's one of the worst parts of fibromyalgia honestly. 

Celebrating... my niece Daphne's fourth birthday in Wenatchee at my parents' house.  The kids had so much fun together and Daphne seemed delighted by her presents and her cake. I thoroughly enjoyed loving on Sweet P, my sister's youngest. 

Laughing... so freaking hard at Carly when we played charades and instead of miming a scarf, she acted out a scarf with her entire body. It was so hilarious, my sister and I couldn't even breathe. Then she chose another card and absolutely THREW herself onto the ground into the most aggressive somersault I've ever seen. That time? She was dice. Bahaha! 

Feeling... proud of Carly when she came in from being outside at my mom's house which is at the base of a mountainside that has a huge cross on it and told my mom it felt creepy out there with the big "t" all lit up in the dark. My mom said, "Oh honey, that's the cross. It's supposed to make you feel safe," to which my eight year old replied, "The church didn't make my mom feel safe." 
It was for sure a mic drop/from the mouths of babes moment, and I felt so grateful that I have shared my story with her. That she knows places where you go and spend your time should make you feel safe and loved. Not judged or shunned. 

Enjoying... Monday off work accomplishing lots of home things after enjoying a warm cup of coffee in bed. I never make myself coffee and take it back upstairs, but this week I did and it felt so luxurious. I also spent some time journaling and then when everyone was home, I made golden mushroom soup patties for dinner. Yum!

Frustrated... with the twins who were abusing the tardy kiosk at school and essentially got kicked off it. Now if they're tardy they have to check in with a human being because they were checking in "tardy" at the kiosk, but then never making their way to class. Grrrrr

Grounding... all three of our boys for poor grades. We do not have super high expectations for grades (they just need A's, B's or C's) and after a grade check we realized they were missing a ton of assignments and were getting D's and F's in classes. It's time for them to get into gear and shape up. We spent a lot of the week doing homework. 

Chatting... with another mama whose kiddo is also struggling and just feeling grateful to not be alone in this "parenting teenage boys" thing. It's so hard because when the boys were little, I could share everything about their lives because it was so innocent and it was still MY story mostly. But now that they are older, I find myself conflicted with what to share (I don't want people to judge my kids or me) and I find that I can't find as much support (in real life or online) because other parents are struggling with the same thing. I honestly think this is a large part of why I'm still in counseling because I can tell her anything about myself or my kids and our family, and she doesn't judge me. She will listen, encourage, validate and then help me come up with solutions if I need them. 

Grocery shopping... and forgetting to get vegetable oil. What is it about coming home from the grocery store that helps you suddenly realize all the things you forgot? Thankfully Josh is amazing and he used Crisco to cook our chicken fried porkchops. You're the best babe!

Working... a half day in Carly's classroom and staying late to complete a project her teacher left me. There is something about the logistics of printing and creating booklets that makes all common sense leave my brain. After I had printed and cut the papers, I realized that the booklets were going to be as thick as a chapter book and I should have printed them double sided. Unfortunately our district is trying to pinch pennies, so I couldn't reprint them. Instead I spent like an hour putting together these packets. Sheesh.

Taking... Wyatt to the doctor on Wednesday to discuss potential ADHD meds that might work for him now that he has an official diagnosis. We decided on Adderall, both a regular pill and an extended release pill.  He will take both in the morning before school and the regular pill will kick in within an hour. The extended release one will kick in four hours later, so that he has focus coverage for the whole day. He won't take it on weekends, or during breaks or days off from school. That is because it can restrict growth and we want him to use it sparingly to limit that impact.

Grateful... for the color coded towels my mom bought for the kids (and me) for Christmas. They are making my towel laundry loads incredibly lighter. We swap out towels on Sunday and I wash the dirty ones so they're ready for the next week. It's working beautifully. (That brainchild is one of my counselor's as she also had four kids)

Starting... a new journal. It's my one hundred and eleventh journal, which is kind of mind blowing. I love starting new journals. 

Celebrating... Carol's 70th birthday with a cake, ice cream and a little party at Carol's house with Josh's brother, sister and our families. 

Ordering... Lash Princess mascara on the advice of multiple friends, but finding it still flakes and leaves me looking like a racoon at the end of the day. So I sent that back to Amazon and ordered Thrive mascara. The Thrive mascara is amazing. I can even sleep in it and it doesn't give me raccoon eyes.

Trying... to get Logan in to see the neurologist after his seizure two weeks ago, and unfortunately they are scheduling out six weeks. Sigh. I really want to get him in to be seen for medication recommendations from her. 

Subbing... in kindergarten for the day on Thursday. When we left, the gate was already down in front of the office and Carly was like, "Mom! Take a picture of me like I'm in jail!" Haha. So we did. Goofy girl.

Driving... by my ex-best friend when I was out running errands on Friday and feeling grateful that I was ready for the day (hair and makeup done, earrings on). Why do we still care what people think of us, even when we have removed them from our lives?! I wish I had an answer. I haven't run into her in real life, but I have dreamed about it on multiple occasions. I truly feel terrible that I had to break up with her, but I just couldn't be friends with her anymore. It's been really hard and lonely.

Laughing... in the worst way watching a video of Piper coming home from a walk and absolutely blasting into the siding of the house by the front door as her paws slid on ice along our walkway.  She is such an absolute boaf of a dog, just unaware of her own legs and body, and now she's limping. When I mentioned it to Josh, he remembered that she had run into the house and pulled up the camera footage. I feel bad that I laughed, but it was honestly pretty funny. We're hoping she heals up quick, poor girl.

Reading... the memoir Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala in parent pick up line each day this week. It's truly the most incredible story. And while it is sad, this book didn't make me cry. Instead I feel like it truly showed me the absolute depth of Sonali's grief and loss. Just totally brutal.
Also reading and finishing The Night War on audio for book club. I really enjoyed it even though it was a middle grade read and had a little bit of a fantasy flare. I recommend it if you enjoy World War II stories. 

Taking... Carly to her friend Charlotte's house for a playdate Saturday and loving how much she loves her friends. She was so darn excited for that play time!

Spending... some time on Saturday blogging in hopes of catching this thing up. But it seems that life just keeps coming at me and I don't have any time to get ahead!!!

Helping... the twins and Jack's girlfriend Cadence with their ASL project (doing a cooking show in ASL) in our kitchen. I am so delighted they chose to take ASL, and find it so adorable that Jack and Cadence are in ASL just like Josh and I were in ASL together junior year. They did a great job with their cookie baking and I enjoyed helping where I could.

Thankful... that the twins helped with the pizza for movie night Saturday. Usually I'm the only one making the pizza, so having help means a lot. 

Feeling... bad for people who make their living on TikTok as TikTok shut down in the United States on Saturday night at midnight. I don't go on TikTok unless one of the boys sends me a video to watch, but I know that my kids enjoy it as well as tons of other Americans. I hope it's resolved quickly for them. 


"The hardest lesson
I've had to learn as an adult
is the relentless need to keep going,
no matter how shattered I feel inside."
-Ernest Hemingway

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