
caretaker vs. mommy

This weekend I had a realization.
That I spend a lot of time being a caretaker, but not enough time being a mommy. I cook, I clean, I wipe noses, I pack diaper bags, I change sheets, and put on and take off four little socks & four little shoes... But I don't spend enough time doing the things that really count- reading to my boys, chasing them, laughing with them, making car noises, shooting hoops, hugging, kissing and playing make believe. And because of my inability to stop caretaking, I am missing out on all the moments that make being a mommy, well... being a mommy!
So for all my friends out there also raising little ones who keep you busy, here's a reminder to slow it down. Sit and play. Read a book. Kiss an owie. Enjoy the moments. Because we all know the laundry can wait, but we often forget to let it wait.
I was able to do it this weekend, and let me just say, while it was hard to let some things pile up, it was totally worth it for all the memories we made.
Hip-Hip-Hooray for all the mommies {& caretakers} out there!

1 comment:

Erin said...

This is so true. It's so easy to get sucked into the chores that are piling up and forget to just slow down and take the time to enjoy life. I too have to remind myself from time to time to do this.

LOVE your blog! And your boys are so beautiful. I can't wait to read more of your posts :-)