
{a day at the beach}

 Long Beach, Washington
We knew this weekend was going to be sunny, so a day trip to the beach was planned. We arrived mid afternoon in Long Beach, loaded the boys up in the wagon (which they are still getting used to) and walked up and down the strip.

The wagon was great on the beach, but it's got close quarters for the boys, with no way to keep them from hitting or kicking each other, or stealing sippy cups.

All of which Jack did. He was kind of feisty until we got to the actual beach.



{Daddy & Logan}
He carried that log all around!

{the pilot}
Look at the weather--

this is what {joy} looks like

And because everyone always posts pictures of their adorable toenails-painted-red toes-in-the-sand shots, I thought I would share the Northwesterner's version of this. 

The boys are such total hams, they were showing off BIG TIME for the people next to us. While showing off his impressive digging skills with his huge shovel, Jack got some sand to the face, courtesy of himself. We were cracking up!

After digging in the sand, carrying logs & running about joyfully, we fed the birds.

Unlike my mom, the boys have not seen The Birds yet, and are therefore not terrified by large groupings of seagulls pecking at them for the bread they hold. In fact, they were quite enthralled by the whole experience!

Josh captured this bread mid-flight from Logan's hand. Kind of cool!

Daddy, boy, wagon & beach

We really wore them out!

I love how his chubby hand is holding his bub so gently.

It was a lot of work to take them to the beach, especially since it was just for the day, but when I looked back and saw this; my two beautiful boys, dreaming of all the fun they had in the sand with the sunshine smiling down on us, I know it's worth all the effort. When I turned around to take this picture I told Josh that sometimes I can't believe they are ours. Forever. We get to keep them.  And we're so glad.


Kymberlee - The Mama Midwife said...

I love how you soak in every moment you can with your boys, take lots of pictures and share that with me (us) I didn't do enough of that when my own were growing up, I always thought I would do it "tomorrow" or we would go to the beach "the next nice day" etc and then before you know it times gets away and the kids are grown and gone and I missed all those opportunities. You will be so thankful later that you put in that extra effort to go and do all of the fun things you do with Jack and Logan and having all these pictures.

wonderchris said...

What a cool post - lots of neat pics. Your Northwest toe shot was hilarious! Long Beach is so fun! Glad you guys had a blast.

Becky :o) said...

What a fun, beautiful day at the beach! Love the "toe" in the sand picture!