
8:45pm (after a 7:00pm bedtime)

About my thirtieth time going in to lay him back down I had this conversation with Logan:

"I'm giving the baby a cake. He can eat a cake? He won't spit it out?"

"No, he can't have cake. He has to have bottles at first. With milk."

"Then he gets bigger? And I will give him a birthday cake? Is that fine?"

"Yes, when he is bigger, he can have birthday cake."

"Then he will be a brother. Like me and Jack. I am a big boy.  He will be a tiny baby."

"Yes he will."

"Roxanne has a baby in her tummy, too?"

"Yes she does."

"Is it a sister?"

"We don't know yet."

"It has to get bigger first."

"Yes. It does."

"Does Nanny have a baby in her tummy?"


"Just mommy and Roxanne?"

"Yes. Now no more talking. Go to sleep. I love you, buddy."

1 comment:

Rox said...

I love that boy!
"Is that fine?"
Haha. Cute.