
Just Me and My Little Brother

With Wyatt's arrival getting closer we've been having lots of talks about babies, little brothers, and what the boys can expect with the arrival of our new little one.  We bought Mercer Mayers' book Just Me and My Little Brother, and the boys have been loving it. We have read it every night since we brought it home.
They talk about getting bunk beds, teaching the baby to ride a bike, and pushing him in a stroller.  Logan wants to buy the baby: a bottle, a binky, a Thomas the Tank Engine scooter (he was very specific on this one) and a bear bubba, like Jack's.  Jack would only like to be sure that Wyatt's bubba, whatever it is, has tags. That is crucial.

In addition to reading books about little brothers and new babies in general, we have been reading their hospital scrapbooks.  Showing them pictures of what they looked like when they were born, photos of them crying, being held, being fed and being bathed, to get them familiar with what a baby will actually look like.

On top of that we were lucky enough to meet my sisters' best friend Lindsey's daughter Liv at Roxanne's birthday party. The boys were enthralled. Logan took off her socks cause he wanted to see her piggies (reminds me of something his Nanny would do...) and Jack just wanted to hold her "by himself" (also reminds me of something his Nanny would do.)
Roxanne asked the other day if she could have Logan's elephant shirt for Ferris when it didn't fit him anymore, to which he replied, "Umm, no. It's for Wyatt."
I think they are starting to get it!

We also spent one afternoon last week sorting through the boys' closet, which is a hodgepodge of Josh's future classroom stuff, Christmas decorations and old baby things that we kept for our next baby.  I set up our two playpens completely to be sure I got the right pieces with the right crib because I will be passing our twin bassinet on to a cousin who recently found out she will be having twins in the fall- so exciting!!!

The boys enjoyed talking about when they slept in there, side by side, and tested it out with their own "twins". So funny!

For days after I took down the "singleton" playpen, the boys asked where it was and when the baby would need it.  Overall, I think they are about as prepared as can be for their little brother. And I personally think Wyatt is the luckiest kid on earth to have these two sweethearts for his big brothers.


Rox said...

I'm glad we all got to meet baby Liv while she's still so tiny! Definitely made me even MORE excited for our babies and remember how precious those first few weeks are!

You'll have lots of tips for me on how to help the transition to becoming a Big Brother!

P.S. It was Jack that said his shirt would go to the baby! (We were at the Lodge)

Marilynn said...

I couldn't agree more, Wyatt will have all the love a baby brother could want. I am soooo excited to see how they do, and hear what they say. Jack on his toes is so cute. It looks like he is literally standing ON his toes!

Melissa said...

We've been reading the same book too, and Joseph loves it! You're boys are getting so big, and cute as ever. Our little Wyatt will be here in just a few short weeks, can't wait! I'm sure all of our boys will be GREAT big brothers!!