
Coop Park

The other morning I took all three boys to the park so Josh could record himself reading the boys' favorite books.  We plan to watch one each night while he is gone.

The boys were super good.
Their new favorite thing at the park is to find sticks to play with.
It's like going on a treasure hunt.
I love it.




To be honest, going to the park with the three of them by myself lately has been full of emotions. I am both proud of myself for being able to do it, and bitter that soon I will have no choice but to do it myself. 
This last time was particularly bad because Jack's bike chain popped off and for the life of me, I couldn't get the damn thing back on. I was nearly in tears over a stupid bike chain.  But it was because I know these are the type of things I am going to have to be able to take care of myself pretty soon, and it scares the hell out of me.

I am not able. 
I am not ready.
I am not Josh.

How can I fill his shoes? How can I be what they need me to be? How can I do this?
I called Josh nearly in hysterics over this dumb bike.  Eventually I just threw it back in the car and told Jack Daddy would fix it when we got home.  But I couldn't help feeling like a failure. And like I am nowhere near capable of doing this by myself.

Lord help us all.  
This is going to be one long, tear filled road.

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