
happy birthday, light of my life

Dear Wyatt,
Today you are two years old.
In two short years, you have accomplished many things.
(Walking, talking, learning your ABC's & 123's...)
There is so much I am grateful for.

  • I am grateful for your company, that got me through your daddy's absence after you were born.
  • I am grateful for your giggle, that makes us all smile.
  • I am grateful for your "little brother" status, that has softened your big brothers and lets them show their tender side.
  • I am grateful for your relationship with your daddy, that makes my heart swell and fills you both up.

All four of us would agree that you are the best thing that has happened to our family. 
We adore you, we cherish you, we love you.  

Happy Birthday sweet, wonderful boy.
May it be filled with magic & wonder.
Love, Mommy

****For a peek at Wyatt's first few days on the planet: check out his birth story****

1 comment:

Amos said...

Happy Birthday Super-Wy! I have enjoyed so much watching him grow via your blog over the last couple years. I hope Wy plays to his 2 year old hearts content today!