
Holiday To-Do's

Right when we got here, I started making lists of what I wanted to do for each holiday.  
Here's what I have for Thanksgiving & Christmas.


  • 3 things we're grateful for every night
  • Daily gratitude on the blog
  • Read our blessings books to the boys
  • Talk about what gratitude means
    • "How Full Is Your Bucket" 
  • Make Thanksgiving cards for loved ones


  • Sort through old toys
  • Listen to Christmas music (CHECK)
  • Decorate the house
  • Glitter
  • Make my grandma's Cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning
  • Homemade brownies (try it!)
  • Sugar cookies with kids
  • Christmas cards-- choosing pictures! (CHECK)
  • Hang the Christmas cards we recieve on the laundry room door
  • Make donuts
  • Make Hello Dolly's
  • Make Gingerbread Houses with the Kiwi Crate kits I ordered for the twins
  • Have Christmas-themed Family Movie nights every Saturday in December
  • Christmas countdown
  • Christmas countdown chain
  • Elf on the Shelf (ordered. CHECK)
  • Make ornaments
  • Drink warm cocoa outside under the stars
  • Have a candlelit bath for the boys 
  • Make snowflakes
  • Have "unplugged" days during our three week vacation
  • Indulge in our Christmas Eve tradition: 
    • New pajamas from Nanny & Papa
    • Home Alone
    • pizza
    • cookies & milk left out for Santa

We have enjoyed reading seasonal books (Halloween & Thanksgiving so far) and the boys are so excited!  This year I want to include wrapping their Christmas books as I've seen so many moms do.

As the weather turns, I want to spend more time coloring, drawing and writing letters to loved ones.

Today's Daily Gratitude:

{mostly baked goods}


Alida said...

Sounds like a fun time during the season at your house. And busy also.
Love from us.

Rox said...

All of that sounds so nice. You're such a great mom. Your boys are going to remember all of these things, big and small, that you do to make them feel special. I am going to miss you guys during the Holidays, there is certainly a void. But knowing that you have plans and things to look forward to makes it so much easier.