
Wanna Go Swimmin'

For our nephew Alvin's birthday back in July, we all met up at the Jim Parsley Center Pool.

Wyatt especially was overjoyed to be in the pool.
Everyday this summer he told me,  
"Wanna go swimming, mom. Wanna go swimming."
We are a family of swimmers. 
And I think we are all looking forward to swimming again this summer.

With these goggles, my kids turned into fish.

The Birthday Boy!!!

Holy delicious baby chubs!

I love that little babe!


After swimming we had a picnic lunch.
And played at the nearby park.
It was a great afternoon.


Today's Daily Gratitude:

Wyatt Nathanial
Need I say more?

1 comment:

Rox said...

What a fun day, oh it's so nice to see pictures from summer! Ferris said, "Aunt Julie took Wyatt swimming?" I thought it's cute Ferris also calls her Aunt Julie. You have been a blogging machine lately, keep it up, I love it!