
Why We Homeschool

There are many reasons why we homeschool.  It's like picking a needle from a haystack to give one reason.  But for the sake of this post, I will try to specify the reasons we have chosen it for our boys.

First, though, let me say that, yes, homeschooling is hard. It definitely requires preparation on my part, a rigid schedule to make sure school happens everyday, and the integrating of learning into every aspect of our days at home.  Though I may complain occasionally about the work (it's like raising kids, we love 'em, but that doesn't make 'em any less effort!) it's a decision that I stand by.

Reason #1:  Educating my children is my responsibility

This is the primary reason we've chosen to homeschool.  I don't feel like it's anyone else's responsibility to educate my children.  Both because the weight of that is on my shoulders anyway, and because if I'm the one doing the teaching, then I know for certain what they're learning.

I feel that the future of these bright, beautiful boys is in my hands.  It's an awesome responsibility, and one that I don't take lightly.

Reason #2:  You can't beat a two-to-one student/teacher ratio

Even here in the bush, class sizes can near twenty students per teacher. So having only two pupils (thus far) my numbers couldn't be any better.  I am able to afford the boys one on one time when necessary, change lessons to meet their needs, and alter our schedule if they're sick or over tired.

Reason #3: Flexibility

As stated in reason #2, the flexibility that homeschooling allows is really alluring.  When the kids are sick during the week, we can make up school time on the weekends.  When I was out with pneumonia, we picked up the slack once I was better.  We're able to adjust our schedule as needed (school in the morning, school during nap time, school in the afternoons) and it really works for us.

Reason #4: I became a stay-at-home mom so I could spend time with my children

I find that the older the boys become, the more I want to be their primary influence.  Because of that, and my desire to maximize my time with them (especially with the twins, since I missed out on so much of their first two years) I love that we are able to spend our entire days together.

And finally, to address the irony-- I know my husband is a school teacher. And in fact, I worked in an elementary school for six years before I became a full time mom.  So I do believe in public education. I believe in the good it can do.  It isn't the choice for our family right now, but it may very well be at some point in the future.


I am still finding my way in terms of schools of thought on homeschooling.  There's Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, Classical... Thus far, we're following the kindergarten guidelines set forth by the state of Alaska, using different curriculum I found throughout the summer in Washington.

The most important piece of our kindergarten curriculum has been, by far, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Engelmann, Haddox & Bruner.  Last year we did pre-school, and we worked tirelessly on learning letter sounds.  It's amazing to me that less than a year later, they are reading.  Just two nights ago they read their first "real" (non school) books to Josh and me at bedtime.  Logan read No David by David Shannon and Jack read I Am Sharing by Mercer Mayer.

Josh had his arm around me as they read, and he gave me a squeeze, whispering in my ear, "You did it!"  His delight in our children and their ability and his faith in me and my teaching buoys my spirit and makes me feel so proud of what we've accomplished this year.


Two things I really enjoy about homeschooling are doing arts & crafts, 
as well as science experiments.
Recently we've grown crystals,
and the boys painted frames for their bedroom.


But by far my favorite part is doing journals with the boys every morning.  They get to choose whatever they want to draw, and now they are even able to "guess & go", writing down what they drew.



I love watching these boys grow.
I love seeing them learn.
I love witnessing those lightbulbs flickering on above their sweet tow heads.

Homeschooling, like anything worth doing, is challenging.  
But the rewards are totally worth it.

1 comment:

Mike and Corissa said...

Where did you find the twin's journals? I love this idea for my daughter!