
Christmas Feast

The morning after the Christmas recital, the boys and I headed over to the school for an assembly and community feed.
We had been up late the night before (two hours past the boys' strict 7:00pm bedtime) so Wyatt was really difficult during the assembly.

Finally he said he wanted Josh, and Josh was done with his part of the assembly, so he held him, and lo and behold that little buddy fell asleep.

The twins were enamored with the idea that Wyatt fell asleep like a baby.

They kept saying, "Isn't he just so cute? Wyatt is soo cute!"

So Josh sat with him in the gym as the twins and I headed into the cafeteria to chow down.

We waited in line,

and Josh held that sweet boy & visited with Isaac and Peter.
Seeing him hold that boy made me swoon.
He's such an amazing father.

And it was nice for the twins to have my undivided attention.  We enjoyed every bite of our Christmas feast and shortly after the twins finished, Wyatt woke up so he and Josh joined us.

That afternoon everyone flew out to go "home for the holidays", and we excitedly began our three-week vacation with Josh home.

1 comment:

Marilynn Raatz said...

Sweet boys loving their brother and Josh is such a loving dad! These pictures are so nice! The twins look so cute getting their food in the lunch line!