
Around Here: Week 29 2023

 {July 16-22nd}

Our weekly chores rotate so I laminated the list and each week a different boy does them.

Logan's collar bone scar is healing nicely the second time around. 

Doing... Sunday chores and then taking my girl with me to Wenatchee.  We got gas (why oh why is it so expensive?! $96 to fill up the van) and enjoyed the most beautiful skies on the way over. 

Making... raspberry jam with my mom for our second year in a row.  We work together like clockwork. It was so fun and rewarding to see all those little delicious red jam jars lined up on the counter. I've been out for a few months now and let me tell you, eating that jam on an english muffin the next morning was top notch! 

Reading... books that were my grandpa's that my dad brought home from a trip to the beach. They are like homesteading handbooks that are so fun to read. My mom ended up giving them to me to hold on to. She also sent me home with zucchini and tomatoes from her garden. Yum!!

Visiting... with my sister in the afternoon when she came over as we finished up with the jam. It was so good to see her and love on her baby, Sweet P. 

Logan... is on facebook and I am enjoying his comments on my stuff so much. Just another neat way to connect with my boy. 

Carly... lost another tooth this week. I swear at five bucks a pop, the tooth fairy is going to go broke. 

Finishing... Circe, which was really enjoyable, especially after having visited Greece. 

Grateful... for the hammock Josh bought me a few years back. We all love it so much! 

Sending... Wyatt to spend some time with his cousins in Wenatchee.  He went to the lake with my sister and then spent some time with my parents. He and my dad took the cutest picture, and then Wyatt set it to his lock screen. Gosh I love that kid. He and my dad remind me a lot of each other and it makes me so happy that they have the relationship they do. 

Dealing... with eczema on Carly's little hands.  I noticed it when I got back from Europe and I think the stress of having me gone and adjusting to me being back just gave her a little flare up. I was so worried about her having it heading into back-to-school season (all that handwashing!) so I jumped on it. I started putting eucerin cream on her hands and wrists every night and I bought her special handsoap (Dove foaming handsoap- the cucumber is our favorite) for every bathroom in the house so that the soap wasn't drying it out even more. I also bought her shampoo + conditioner (I went with Honest brand) so that her baths aren't drying her out either. It's slowly getting better. 

Making... homemade pizza for movie night and oh man was it delicious! Chicken with fresh tomato from mom's garden hit.the.spot!!!

Packing... a little backpack all by herself to go spend the day at the land with cousins. Carly is just the cutest! We also spent some time with cousins (Josh's sister and her husband are in town with their kiddos) when Grandma had Grandma's Camp (a yearly tradition) at our house one day this week. The kids have so much fun together and I'm glad they have each other. 

Stressing... over homework (nothing new) especially since I was gone and am now behind. Playing catch up is not good for my sense of overwhelm. Oof!



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