
A Shot of Milk

1. The most challenging part of being a mom is...
Losing my temper. I am a yeller.  This is something that I am working on daily.  Trying to find what sets me off, what calms me down and better ways to discipline the boys without raising my voice or losing my cool.

2.  The best part of being a mom is...
Knowing I am all they need.  Like when Logan wakes up scared at night, and all he needs is for me to tell him he's okay.  Or when Wyatt is crying and all it takes is me scooping him up off the rug to put a smile on his face.  It feels very powerful.

3. The worst part is...
Not sleeping.  I am so tired of being tired!

4. The best thing about being married is...
Having your best friend live with you.  I love talking over my day, my thoughts, my life goals with Josh, knowing he'll be on that road with me every step of the way.

5.  The hardest part about being married is...
Constant negotiating.  What are we eating, watching, doing?  And parenting together.  It's a constant conversation where you must find a middle ground & be on the same page.

6.  The most romantic thing your husband has done for you is...
Hands down flying home from Marshall for my 29th birthday as a surprise.
Best moment of my life.
{for a basic recap visit this link, or for the extended version, this one}

7.  The most fun we've had recently was...
Going on our snowmobile date.
It was so nice to be without the kids, out of the house, enjoying this amazing place we live!
I was giggling like a school girl on the back of that thing!

8.  A typical Friday night for us is...
Put the kids to bed, make a pizza and watch a movie.
 I make it a rule to do nothing.
It's lovely to have one night a week where I just sit and veg out.
We take turns picking movies.
I always pick chick-flicks and Josh chooses scary movies like The Village.

9. A typical Saturday morning of us is...
Josh sleeping in, and the boys and I staying in our jammies until lunch.
Saturday is the only morning I don't do any chores or anything "not fun".
It's one way that I make sure weekends feel different from weekdays.
I love it. We watch movies, play cars and lay on the rug with Wyatt.

10. My husband would say my best habit is...
 Journaling. Or flossing.  I do both nearly everyday.

11.  My husband would say my worst habit is...
Putting something back in the fridge or pantry with less than one serving left in it.
He always asks me, "Who's going to want a "shot" of milk or KoolAid?"

12.  My favorite family time is...
Dinners together, where we all sit down and eat the same thing.  These used to be pretty rare, as the boys were picky eaters, but now there are about five meals we can make and eat together.  I enjoy the conversation, and working on the boys' manners.  (Well, actually, I hate working on their manners, but I love seeing their manners in progress!)

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