
Hello from rural Alaska...err, Washington

Hello friends!
Today is an exciting day, 
as my story has been published as part of Sarah's True Story series.

If you are visiting from Sarah over at yesandyes.org, welcome!
I was trying to think of something amazing to write about,
but me and my brain are on summer vacation....

So instead, I am going to direct you to some of my favorite 
Life in Rural Alaska posts:

We are currently on summer vacation in Washington
where all our friends & family are.

But come August, we will be back in Alaska, ready to share our third year of rural adventures with you all.  I hope you decide to stay awhile. {Be sure to use the email option on the right hand side bar if you'd like my posts sent directly to your inbox!}
I'd love to have you!

Oh, and if you are interested in learning more, or have specific questions, feel free to leave your email or question in a comment below. I will be in touch!


Rox said...

Exciting that she featured you on her blog! I still think you should have a reality show, or at the least be on a segment of Rock Center with Brian Williams. You rock!

Becky K said...

That is so cool! Read all about it on Yes and Yes! Love following all your posts. :)

Anonymous said...

cool......lovely and awesome.
Thanks for posting. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

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Thanks !!!