
Weekend Update + What Makes Me Happy

Weekend Update:

This weekend was not, by most definitions, a weekend.  Josh worked two sixteen hour days (Friday & Saturday) and spent more time at the school Sunday, doing homework for his masters program & collaborating on a project for class Tuesday.

This made for long days for me, too, but I am still determined to stick with my new peaceful parenting rules.  The first week I "chose love" and practiced speaking in kindness to my boys.  The second week I used "at least" to help me get through the tough moments.  Last week my plan was to remember to "Slow Down" with the boys.  Unfortunately, I only have three no-yelling days under my belt in October. (My goal was twelve.)  So I have my work cut out for me the rest of this month!

This week my goal is "Make a plan".  When I find myself starting to lose my temper, I want to stop, take a moment, and jot down what was happening (both in my head and around me) when I was feeling frustrated.  Then, at the end of the day, I am going to see if I can pinpoint what behaviors, actions or thoughts are setting me off, and then work to improve the situation.  Just being aware of my triggers will help tremendously.

Heading into week four (of twelve) in my quest to become a peaceful parent, I am using a sticker chart to indicate my success, and am spending some time each day re-reading parts of the book I have underlined to keep all the tips & tricks fresh in my mind.


Both Jack & Wyatt are sick, so sleep has been hard to come by the last week.  Saturday night was the best sleep I've had. I got five hours in a row. It continually amazes me how little sleep I can function on.  Both boys seem better today than previously, so hopefully some sleep is on the horizon.


Saturday we had movie night with the boys.  Pizza, Shrek and m&m cookies made for some cozy times on a cold, windy night here in Marshall.  The boys love family movie night, and honestly, I think I look forward to it as much as they do.


The other night at bedtime Wyatt was rubbing my chest, and he goes, "I rub your heart, mommy."

Another thing he says lately is, "I love you a tiny bit."  But he says it so earnestly that you kind of prefer that he love you a tiny bit as opposed to a lot.

The other day I was crying (it had been a long day, I was exhausted and it was bedtime) and when Wyatt came upon me crying he said, "It's okay mom. It's okay." Then he hugged me and said, "I hug you. That makes you happy!"  He's also really great about comforting his big brothers if they are upset. He'll ask what's wrong and then tell them it's okay.  I love to see his big heart.


The twins are suddenly BIG into office supplies.  They love scotch tape & colored pens almost as much as I do. It's so cute to see their drawings & their inventions.  On Thursday Jack made a kite, which he then taped onto a dining room chair.  Then he drug it into the living room, opened all the windows in the house (I watched silently, even though it was only about 35 degrees outside) and what do you know? The thing flew. It fluttered up from the chair like a real kite putting a gigantic smile on Jack's face.  I love this new creative phase we are in.


A huge thing I accomplished last week was placing my Amazon grocery order.  With this order, I think we are set for a good long time, which feels amazing!

Unfortunately, I can't get some items shipped to me with my Amazon Prime (free shipping) account.  The main thing is canned fruit. Access to fresh fruit is limited here so my kids only get canned for most of the year.  Not being able to get even that is super frustrating.


The weather has been amazing. Rainy a bit & windy some days, but other days have been warm and totally tolerable.  It's been so nice that the snow hasn't settled in yet. It's great to take advantage of what I know are the last few days of good weather for a while!

What Makes Me Happy

1. Talking on the phone with my sister

2. Daily emails from my BFF Julie

3. Wyatt in his Halloween costume
(thanks, mom!)

4. My birthday is next month!!!

5. Getting creative with hanging inspirations around my house using scrap book supplies & my new laminator (or glue-inator) as Logan calls it.


I am so grateful we got through this tough weekend all in one piece.
I'm looking forward to another week,
and more chances to practice my Peaceful Parenting!


Kristin said...

Are you signed up with one of the websites (like ebates.com) where you get a rebate for shopping online? I get a 50 cent rebate for clicking onto the NFL website via Ebates, and I plan to do that when we get a new Dell.

Also, I don't work for them or anything, just something new I discovered and think it's awesome.

Olivia said...

The Amazon prime thing totally gets me too! I hate when I go to check out and realize I've missed the "available in 48 contiguous states only" fine print on something. But Amazon box days are the best :)

How often do you guys get mail? We only have planes twice a week and those days are highly anticipated by all!

Kasey said...

I love that you are using a sticker chart for your peaceful parenting project. What do the boys think of mom having stickers too?

Anonymous said...

That must be very frustrating not being able to get what you need. We are in Kenai and they seem to run out of key items here. I can't imagine what it must be like there.

Shilo McManus