
February Goals + a January Goal Recap

So I eased into January (and the new year) with just four goals.

1) No swearing
2) Blog 3x week
3) Read 24 books in 2017 (or 2 books/month)
4) Go to bed at 10pm

Thus far, I am nailing my goals.

1) REVIEW (SWEARING): I went one whole week without swearing (wahoo!) and while I don't expect perfection, I think that kind of success definitely builds on itself.  Plus, to be honest, the writer in me is really enjoying trying to find new & different ways to express myself.  It is forcing me to be much more specific. Instead of saying my day was "crappy" (a very catch-all term) I am forced to say, "My day was tiresome" or "My day was overwhelming" or "My day was lonely".  In that way, it's been like finding an added benefit to giving up cuss words.

2) REVIEW (BLOGGING): I have been blogging like nobody's business! I imagine that will peter out, but maybe not. Maybe blogging nearly everyday keeps me thinking about new ideas and seeing things that I think are worth sharing. Who knows. All I know is that it feels good to be back in this space in such a regular fashion. (And if there is anything you'd like me to blog about, talk more about or questions you want answered, ask away. I'm always open to new post ideas!)

3) REVIEW (READING): For January thus far I have read four books: The Shack, The Alchemist, The BFG, Truly Madly Guilty.  I am still working on Chasing Light & Believing God. I also just started What Was Mine (a book club book from the summer that I never got around to) and The Other Side of the Mountain (the sequel to My Side of the Mountain) with the twins at bedtime.  I'm also working through a Dave Ramsey book with Josh.

4) REVIEW (BEDTIME): Josh and I have been vigilant about the 10pm bedtime and I think we are both much happier people because of it. Now, if Carly would get those two stinking teeth through her gums, maybe she'd get on board and let me have even more sleep! But at least in going to bed earlier, I'm increasing my chances for a good nights' rest.


For February I am going crazy. 
New month has me all "Let's set 100 goals!" So pumped!

1) No eating out.
Yay for saving money and being healthier!

2) Meal plan for the entire month
Thank you Tabitha for inspiring me to try monthly meal planning. I sat down Sunday night and wrote out meals for every day in February and honestly, I think doing it like this will give our dinners so much more variety cause it's like I can see the big picture. Plus (bonus!) it's on my 100 Small Things list, so I get to check that bad boy off of there!

3) Workout every weekday for the month
In the spring of 2016 I was really good about daily workouts, but since moving, I haven't picked them back up again. Josh and I are going to change that, and we plan to work out 5 days a week once the kids are in bed for the night. It's not ideal, but we knew that aiming for morning workouts would be risky since Carly's not been a great sleeper. I am excited to get my body a little stronger and maybe lose some of the holiday fluff (okay, belly fat. ha!) that gathered in response to cinnamon rolls, Hello dolly's and Special K bars.

4) Write a poem about motherhood
I am so passionate about being a mom.  About the emotions it evokes and how it brings me full circle with my mom. I am hoping to spend some time contemplating all of those emotions and turning them into a poem.

5) KonMari:

  • the kitchen (+ wash down all cabinets)
  • the office
  • memorabilia

6) Automate bills
Back before we moved I had all our bills automated, and it made my life so much easier. Plus it saved me from writing a check and using a stamp (and visiting the post office). So the goal for this month is to take the four bills that are not automated and make.it.happen!

7) Finish Dave Ramsey's book
Josh and I need to make this a priority this month so that we can start implementing some of his ideas into our life!

8) Do our taxes

9) Cut the roses out front
They probably should have been cut down sooner, but better late than never, right?

10) Wash the front window
Once we cut the rose bushes down I am (very!!!) excited to finally be able to clean our living room window on the outside. It's currently pretty darn dirty (and has bird poop smeared in one corner) and I think cleaning it will really brighten that room.

I will be doing these goals in addition to the original four that are going so well (blogging, 10pm bedtime, not swearing & reading).  I'd like to read at least four books this month (in case at some point in the year I get behind on my "24 books goal" I'd like to be ahead a few books.) I want to finish Chasing Light, Believing God, What Was Mine and My Side of the Mountain.  That will put me at 8 books so far, well ahead of where I need to be.

What are your goals for this new month of ours?


Holly said...

Haha I love all these goals!! Not eating out is a great idea and meal planning just makes me happy. Plus all the tax and bill stuff need to be done, but will be easyish things to accomplish. I have been doing little goals. My February goal is to do one load of laundry a day (easy) AND put it all away (not so easy, for me at least). Plus keep up all my January goals too, which I think have become habits now (eating healthy, dessert on Sundays only, running M-F). I hope at least. Ha. Once the Feb goal becomes a habit, I will add something else. Thanks for inspiring me to goal set!

Ashley said...

Love this post! I hear you on the swearing...somehow in the past year, I've gotten SO bad and have been trying to change here too. The first few weeks, when the boys were driving me crazy, I sounded like I had a stutter trying to censor myself, hah!

Tabitha Studer said...

I am so excited about your monthly meal planning! can't wait to hear how it goes - it really makes such a difference in my daily life to get it out of the way all at once and not have to think about it again for a whole month! It also seems like it's kinder on our bank account with the one big shopping trip once a month. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you! xxox