
Week 20 Around Here {2019}

{That time Carly "helped" carry the watermelon}

Enjoying... movie night with the kids last weekend, with homemade pizza & cookies. Yum!!!

Loving... my Mother's Day.  Josh went grocery shopping for me (bless him!) and made dinner for us all.  The kids made me cards and Wyatt brought me a coaster he had made in class.  He drew a mug on it with my favorite colors (yellow & blue) and wrote "Best Mom Ever" on it. The sweetheart.
I got to spend most of the day reading, which is my idea of the perfect day, so I was a very happy camper.

Listening... to some marriage advice from Jody Moore on her Better Than Happy podcast.  The podcast was about meeting your own needs in marriage.  At first I thought it was a radical idea, but as I kept listening the idea really resonated with me. It's brilliant!

Cheering... at the twins' game & Wyatt's games along with Carly.  I love watching them play.  You can really see how they have improved as the season has progressed. 

Taking... Wyatt to the orthodontist where he got a spacer placed just like his brothers.  Logan & Jack needed them as part of their first phase of braces, to straighten their teeth, whereas Wyatt needs it to help with his deviated septum (basically the inside of his nose is crooked which makes it hard for him to breathe through his nose).  Because of his deviated septum, he is a mouth breather which makes his sleep less restful and his sleep apnea worse.  We are hopeful that between his tonsillectomy in January and his spacer that we can eliminate his obstructive sleep apnea.

Making... progress in the yard and feeling so thankful that Josh is such a hard worker.  He planted some grass a few weeks ago and it's all grown in and looks so great.  He also did some weed and feed and all our plants are growing in... it just looks so great and makes me so excited!

Telling... Wyatt about his pineal cyst after his referral was approved to see the neurologist in Seattle.  We don't know for sure if his insomnia and headaches are from his cyst, as many are asymptomatic, but there doesn't seem to be any other reasons for them, and we aren't sure where to go from here, so a neurologist is our next logical step.  We are hoping for more answers once we meet with them.
He took the news pretty hard, saying he just doesn't understand why nothing can go right with his body, listing his asthma, tonsils, headaches, sleep loss and now pineal gland as all the things that have gone wrong.
I hugged him and assured him that sometimes life is hard. And that he surely has my sympathy.  But that also, it helps to look for things to be grateful for when life gets hard.  That while he does have asthma, but we can be grateful that with his meds, we have it under control.  That while he did have issues with his tonsils, his tonsillectomy was successful and now they are gone.  Things like that.
After a few days, he seemed to have come around and now seems at peace with it. 

Reading... That Kind of Mother  which was the best book to finish on Mother's Day.  I highly recommend it to every mom.  I absolutely loved the detail and how well the author (a man!) wrote about nursing and mothering.  Then I started The Wet Nurse's Tale, which I also really enjoyed.  If you like birth stories and babies and nursing, you will love it!  And I ended the week listening to Once A Midwife, the third of the Hope River Midwife trilogy.  They were all really entertaining and fun to listen to.  If you enjoyed Call The Midwife (the book or the show) you would like these books by Patricia Harman.

Cleaning... up the mess Carly made when she dropped the entire watermelon on the floor while in the process of carrying it to me so I would cut.it.up for her already. 
I heard the sound of something dropping when I was in the garage emptying the stroller from our walk to the school to get the brothers and when I came inside and saw what had happened I gasped and then saw Carly's face all bawled up and red, ready to start crying.  She BURST into tears, afraid the watermelon was ruined and I had to scoop her up and assure her that it could be salvaged.
I cut it up and gave her a bowl full which she immediately consumed and then she was happy as a clam.

Resting... Thursday while Carly spent the day with Grandma after a crazy morning spent trying to get Jack's spacer put back in after half of it fell out while he was sleeping!  Then after I got the spacer put back in at the orthodontist and got all the kids donuts for breakfast on the way to school, Carly realized she had forgotten her purse full of puppies at the orthodontist's office so we had to swing back by before heading out to Grandma & Papa's land.
Phew! It was quite the morning. But I finally got everyone where they needed to be, and was able to come home and spend some time journaling and reading and blogging and enjoying some much needed "me" time.  (Thanks, Grandma!)

Eating... the first corn on the cob of the season, and it was delish!  Carly was particularly delighted and it was so cute to watch her eat it!

Proud... of Jack for getting a part in the music program at school.  It's a speaking part, and he's so excited!  He's been practicing and memorizing his lines. 

Struggling... to let Jack feel his feelings when he didn't get into AVID (an honor program) like he wanted to.  He was so disappointed, and seeing him feel that way just made me want to make him feel better. Immediately.  So I didn't really make room for his sadness. 
In the future I want to make sure that I let him feel his feelings and not rush to move past hard things.  Disappointment is a fact of life, and helping him through those feelings is an important part of my job. 

Devouring... the Modern Mrs. Darcy Summer Reading Guide and adding even more books to my TBR list on Goodreads.  I've listed the books that caught my eye.  Out of 30, I only chose to add 12 to my list, so I feel pretty good about this... however, my TBR list is going in the wrong direction, up and not down. Haha!


1 comment:

Tabitha Studer said...

Carly in a top knot is the cutest thing!! Although her hair is all adorable well done Momma! Cracking up about "I carried a watermelon," she will think that's hilarious someday when she falls in love with Dirty Dancing like all girls tend to :)

Sending love and prayers to you and Wyatt. Poor little man trying to understand and make peace with his health struggles. so many hugs to you guys!! xxox