
40 Weeks

 (Please pardon my self-portraits!)
 Today marks 40 Weeks exactly in this, my second pregnancy.  And while I am not always comfortable, I am plugging along pretty well.  I can still tag along with the boys at the park, put on my own shoes (with minimal grunting) and vacuum the living room.  This is in marked contrast with my first pregnancy!

From what I can tell, nothing is going on in terms of labor starting.
I really have no idea when little brother is going to make his debut.
But we are all ready to meet him!!!


Rox said...

I have to say I really thought he'd come a week early. I'm glad you're staying positive and hanging in there! Keep it up and we're all ready when Wyatt is! Can't wait to meet that precious baby. :)

Aniko said...

Stunning, there is nothing so beautiful as a pregnant women.