
kindness beads

During the summer, in an effort to increase kindness in our children, we introduced Kindness Beads.  The idea is that when the kids: Do random acts of Kindness or Follow directions the first time, they get to put a bead in the Kindness Jar.

They filled the jar the first time while we were still in Washington. We had a pool party to celebrate.  They filled it the second time when we got back to Alaska, and I rewarded them with Imaginext toys that I purchased for that exact purpose over the summer.

I can't say enough good things about this parenting tool.  I daily see the boys practicing kindness now-- getting things for their brothers and helping me out with chores.  Just yesterday I came into the living room and Jack was in there, with his clean laundry basket dumped out on the couch, folding his own laundry!!!  It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!


allie. said...

might have to try this in our house...i would love to see more kindness between the boys!

Marilynn Raatz said...

I love this!!

♥ Sari ♥ said...

What a nice idea. :)