
First Trimester

Thank you all, so much, for your kind words, your prayers and your excitement about baby #4.  We are all very excited as well.  (Even Wyatt has come around and says a baby would be alright, as long as it's a boy.)  The twins can't wait to help with the baby and I am just praying to make it through the first trimester.  (I'll be eleven weeks tomorrow.)

One day at a time. 

I'm taking the crazy nausea I've been suffering as a good sign (Josh got me Preggy Pops yesterday and I'm praying I find relief from them) and I'm hopeful it continues if it means I'm not going to lose this one as well.

Everyone has been asking if I'm hoping for a girl.  The truth is, yes, I'd love a daughter.  But I also think there's something special about being a "boy mom" and four boys, while a handful, would be kind of neat.

I promise to keep you all posted as the pregnancy progresses. 
Here's to a healthy baby!


Hollyparlier said...

Yay, I love me a good pregnancy update :) I am glad everything is going well! I always have terrible morning sickness, and the preggy pops did take the edge off at the very beginning. I hope you start feeling better soon! Were you sick with the boys too? Girls are awesome, but I agree that 4 boys would also be awesome. It's a win win situation :-)

518nymammaof2 said...

Oh my gosh! I am seriously behind on my blog reading! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!