
Around Here: Week 24

{Wyatt's embarrassed/proud face} 

Watching... Wyatt's class performance on Octopus at school.  He did so great, sang so loud and smiled so big.  Josh surprised both of us and took a half day so he could attend.  It meant so much to both me & Wyatt.  Wyatt told me it took him "100 hours" to cut out his octopus.  Hah!

Finishing... Confessions of a Domestic Failure and Dreamland Burning.  This puts me at 34 books for this year!  I loved both books and recommend them highly.  Dreamland Burning had me turning pages faster than I have in a long time, and Confessions of a Domestic Failure was both hilarious and validating talking about how hard it is to be a stay-at-home-mom.

Reading... Everything, Everything and when I'm done with that (probably this afternoon) I will be starting The Identicals by Elin Hildebrand and The Color Purple, which are all on my summer reading list from The Inspired Reading Book Club. (If you love reading, click over to our Facebook page and ask to be added.  One of us will approve you and you'll be on your way to a summer of reading awesomeness!  We'd love to have you.)

Swirling... in the chaos of what was our last week of school.  There has been activity after activity, and full backpacks coming home everyday this week.  Last night, around 11:30 I realized I hadn't posted anything about Wyatt's birthday on social media.  Josh accidentally drove to work with both sets of keys in his pockets, so I had to walk to school to take Wyatt's class his birthday cupcakes.  Which wouldn't have been a problem, except it was raining. Ha! Go figure!
We made it to the school, just a touch damp, and got to celebrate our little guy.  Then it was laundry and dinner, opening presents and doing dishes, showers, baths and and bedtime, and before I knew it, the day was nearly over.  I am happy to be taking a big breath today, knowing we will have a nice long break from our routine.

Celebrating... Wyatt's sixth birthday yesterday with homemade cake and a yummy meal-- drumsticks on the BBQ as well as corn on the cob.  He was so happy to open presents and share some cake with his brothers.  I was happy to celebrate our sweet little boy.

Crying... as I reminisced and wrote a birthday post about Wyatt this morning.  (Sometimes thinking back on hard times in my life, especially the miscarriages, can really get me!)

Embracing... the good and the bad of motherhood.  This week felt like one big dichotomy.  It was equal parts yelling & hugging; forgiving & laughing.  The boys are stretching their independence, which is mostly good, but can also mean trying things out (like sass-mouthing, or not doing their jobs) and that makes my job exhausting. I also think we were all a bit tense knowing this was the last week of school.  As much as I know we will enjoy summer, we also like knowing what's happening everyday, and we can all struggle a bit with change, so there was definitely some tension among us.  But there were also many, many tender moments sprinkled in, that allowed me to carry on despite the challenges.  Like overhearing Logan tell his classmate that his mom made "the best spice cake ever" for his birthday; or Wyatt telling me I was the best mom ever; or Carly giving me kisses and hugs out of nowhere as she plays.
Nearly a decade into my parenting gig, and I'm so grateful for the perspective I've earned.  I know that "this too shall pass" applies not only to the hard parts, but to the good parts as well, and it reminds me not to take any of this journey lightly or for granted.

Closing out... the 2016-2017 school year.  Today was the last day of school!!!  For summer we're looking forward to lots of reading, swimming and family time, as Josh has summer off as well.

Grateful... for the amazing year my boys had in public school.  We have been so, so blessed by the teachers and staff at our school, and I am so pleased with the decision we made to send them.

Prepping for... a huge birthday party tomorrow.  All three boys got to invite five friends to the party, and we'll have a house FULL to the brim of little boys.  They can't wait!!!


1 comment:

Tabitha Studer said...

Happy birthday Cunningham boys!! I was sending you love and energy (two things I always need on busy parenting weeks -HAH) when I saw in instagram and you were finishing the school year AND celebrating all the boys birthdays in and out of school! MOMMA! That's one wild week! Well done - you got that done like a pro! Xoxox