
Halloween 2016

Jack the SWAT cop, Wyatt the Minion, Logan as Finn from Star Wars
and Carly the Cabbage Patch doll

This Halloween was really fun for our boys-- they got to wear their costumes to school and all had class parties.  Then after dinner they got to go trick or treating all over the neighborhood.  As we were leaving the house, this crazy collection of crows circled over our house. It was really creepy & the perfect start to our Halloween night.

 The boys had fantastic manners and made me so proud out trick or treating.  

Carly didn't last the whole time, so her and I headed home early to put her to bed, but I was happy that at least for a while we all got to go together.


A few days before Halloween we carved pumpkins.  It was the first time the twins did the whole thing themselves.  They were so proud!  Wyatt dug most of his guts out, too!

It was a great Halloween!!!


Marilynn Raatz said...

I love the boys faces getting the pumpkins clean haha! And I am so glad they got to have such a fun day!
The birds - ugh! Carly is just too cute!!

Tabitha Studer said...

that wig. there are just no words. it's perfection on your sweet girl!